Claire's crib was recalled. We had to send all the hardware from her old crib back to the company to get a voucher for a new crib. For the past 3 weeks she has been sleeping in the pack and play. Today we picked up her new crib. It is suppose to be a lifetime crib. Which means is converts from a crib to a toddler bed, then into a head board and foot board for a twin bed. We decided we would let her try out a toddler bed. We were a little nervous that she would either get out of bed, or roll off the bed. We took her in, and kneeled at her bed for family prayer. She couldn't wait for the prayer to be done before climbing on her bed. We kissed her goodnight and left her in bed. I went to check on her 10 min later, she was laying in bed talking to foxy. We went back about a half hour later to find her sleeping with her head covered and hanging off the bed. Doesn't seem like the most comfortable way to sleep, but then again I have never tried it.
Claire only fell out of the bed twice that I know about. Around 3 am last night I heard a thud. I knew it had to be her, so I went in to pick her up and put her back in the bed. When I got in there she was already climbing back into bed. She looked at me like " what are you doing here? I'm sleeping." laid her head down and pulled her blanket around her and back to sleep she went
She stayed in bed this morning until I went to get her. I thought for sure she would take advantage of the new freedom and get out of bed as soon as she woke up. I think she likes her new bed.
Good Bye Grandma and Papa Kim
2 months ago
This is by FAR our favorite post EVER (ok there are a few that are competing)!!! Wade and I just had a good laugh. love that little girl of yours. we miss living with you...can we come back...?