I finished her skirt. I have to say I understand why they are selling for $80. Its not a very hard sewing project, but tedious and time consuming. I figured a few things out in the making this skirt that would have made the process easier, and faster. I will put those to use when I start making Ella's. Claire was so excited. She wore it to church on sunday. We had stake conference out in Ogden. The whole drive there Claire kept saying "look at me, beautiful dress." She is such a princess. It was hard to get a good picture of her. We had conference at the tabernacle which is next door to the Ogden Temple. She was so excited about the water fountain I couldn't get her to hold still long enough to get a decent picture. But the one of her running is super cute.
2 months ago
bre i want to be you, i love that you made that for her! so so so cute. i hope she's sporting it when we come