A lot of time has past since my last update. Halloween has come and gone. Claire looked so cute in her Chicken costume. We practiced the whole week before saying trick or treat. She had mastered saying "treat". On the big day she didn't say "treat" once. Instead she stared the people down giving them a suspicious/dirty look. Since Mark had to work that night, I took Claire out to my parents ward halloween party. They had a bunch of games for the kids to play. Claire's favorite was the cake walk. She was suppose to walk around the circle stepping on the pictures while the music played and then stop on a picture when it stopped. She however proceeded to entertain everyone by running around as fast as she could squealing. Every once in a while she would realize she hadn't stepped on the pictures, turn around make all the other kids stop walking so they wouldn't run over her and jump on the pictures. Most of the older kids were annoyed and kept yelling "this chicken is in our way". I guess I should have stopped her, but I couldn't ruin her fun or stop laughing long enough to intervene.
Mark has started working a new shift at work. He goes in at 3 and works till 11:30. I have to say I do not enjoy this shift. It feels werid to be home alone all night, and to go to bed without him. I am hoping this shift will only be temporary, but we will have to see.
I am now 12 weeks pregnant, if we haven't told you we are pregnant surprise! I have been just as sick this time as I was with Claire. I don't remember being this tired with Claire though. I can sleep 12 hours a day and still be tired. At times I wonder how on earth I am going to be able to care for 2 children at the same time. Claire keeps me busy as it is. I just keep reminding myself that millions of women do it, and if the can so can I. I'm excited to go to the doctor next week and see how our little one is growing. If you can actually see something in the ultrasound this time I'll post a picture of it.
2 months ago
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